Capitalism KEKINIAN
By: Jhonson A. Sutanto
Financial crisis at this time reveal early symptoms of changes in socio-ekonomik important, and perhaps even revolutionary, in the world. Many are saying that, after the Berlin Wall collapse, capitalism socialism akan cover, and in many intellectual circles between reverberation about the "end of history". Not surprising, a little more that are dying though socialism in Europe, he also mushrooming in Latin America. In 1989, a series of events known as "El Caracazo" refers to a series of protests in Venezuela are important neoliberalisme and against the "Washington Consensus" that aims to reduce the State role in economy. The selected of Hugo Chavez in 1998 not only is the reaction from the people of hatred and failure neoliberalisme, but also caused by the repression of protests following a series of these.
Smith's dream with universal prosperity charged with two important points that every human being has that sentiment to the self (self-interest) as well join the community sentiment (fellow feeling). Smith so confident that refrain behavior (self-restraint) can be grown in fertile, giving people a great opportunity for everyone to pursue self-interest (pure self-interest). Then this is a concept known as the theory of do not appear (the Invisible Hand). Through two opus of magnum, The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations, Smith is based on two basic assumptions are purely sociological. The second, social ties and is taking the form of a special order when the exchange of consumer goods life (economic). However, there are further developments in the conditions that must be fulfilled by both of them to be able to provide prosperity.
However, on the other hand, Karl Marx (1818-1883) a philosopher of the economic system (production style) capitalism or capitalists. For Marx, capitalism is the economic system to the accumulation of capital through the creation of better-value generated by the production facilities and manpower are fully occupied by one or several people. Marx saw that labor is the capital diobyektifikasi but the workers do not realize it fully, except only considered as something normal. Here is what is happening is called exploitation. Marx wrote, "The worker is a subjective manifestation of the fact that human capital is completely lost for himself, just as capital is a manifestation of the objective fact that human work is lost for himself. But the misfortune is that the worker himself is a living capital, and therefore a capital with the capital needs of the lost interest, and therefore their lives, every time he does not work " . .
In view of sect Frankfurt, modern American bourgeoisie has been successfully using the ratio of instrumental (the term sect Frankfurt) to eliminate internal crisis in the body of capitalism, as Marx had predicted. This fact also the matter of self-modification in capitalism or the other, adaptive ability of capitalism that he never cracked by the development of space and time. Ironically, such views Frankfurt sect, class or the labor of workers who act as agents in the revolutionary logic of Marx and understand the marxisme other class that can defeat power is expected to capitalism, it has integrated itself into the system capitalism itself voluntary. Why does this happen? According to the sect Frankfurt, it is because capitalism is able to maintain continuity exists through penciptaaan culture consumerism. The ability to create a culture of consumerism due to shrewdness agents capitalist is instrumental in implementing the ratio. With the ability to apply the ratio of instrumental, post-industrial capitalism to create the ratio uniformity and matter awareness to the way humans create false needs. Instrumental ratio is the ratio of the instrumental view as a potential reality that can be manipulated, be caused to bow, and the total domination.
When Adam Smith in theory, free market is a condition in which each person serve on the self-interest, will bring benefits for all. Marginal Economics, thus the free market as the place of individuals and companies to promote their own interests. And, this will lead individuals and companies to the allocation of resources optimally. Stick with the theory of marginal formula Leon Walras and Vilfredo Pareto, in which there are two basic proposition in the model. The first, in a free competitive market equilibrium will generate a very high efficiency. Where, supply and demand will be in the same position. The second, in the balance like this, every effort that the individuals and companies will hurt individuals and other companies. This condition, which was then known as a pareto optimum.
Dream Balance: contradiction angan And Reality
In many cases, there are contradictions in the application of the method with the current economic conception capitalism itself. According to orthodox economics, the world economy contains a continuum of small companies, where no one company is able to influence the market. Unfortunately, conditions in the field say others, the world economy would be managed by large companies. Evidence has been classical economic conditions by empirical world. Target rasionalitas projected to be construed in rationality, happiness and success that ignores the interests of others. Freedom was placed in the context of the free market that they indiferen against the weak. Tap-tap for acquire rights for equality and participation in socio-economic decision that has such limited. And unfortunately, the loss of access is caused by capital itself.
If we find the concept alienasi which Marx formulated during the period of classical capitalism (early), it is now indeed alienasi to tertransformasi in almost human in general. Alienasi happens now is that consumerism has divert people's awareness of the actual kesadarannya. In this context, Marx is still relevant alienasi the meksipun does slightly shifted. That is, alienasi in the context of capitalism is a sophisticated awareness of the same shape material. Awareness of no other matter except that resulted from the needs of the false, In other words, capitalism created the current needs of the false image that visualization through-image, so that the actual human awareness. Finally, the concept of capitalism has kekinian that deviate far from the original essence, bringing the logical consequences that are not terperi human civilization in the last few decades.
So that capitalism in the context kekinian more drip beratkan way of life on the consumerism. Where, the rich will remain rich and probably will grow rich and the poor will be poor and may be more protracted. In other words, capitalism will be the only thorn in the flesh, and more violent as more toxic for people who are less capable.
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