
Language In English


By: Jhonson A. Sutanto

Mr. Silvanus ginting, SE

Governor of Bank Indonesia is often mentioned in the media that the market is very difficult, so that the rupiah exchange rate are to a long number Rp.12.000 per US$ 1, and is feared to reach a range Rp.16.000 per dollarnya. At present, we can see in print or electronic media, the price of the stock market continues to decline. Commodity market price to be decrease, the market price of oil continues to go down, etc. Therefore, the authors want to write about how the market actually is. Although we always hear the word market, however, still many people who do not understand what meaning market. Common people, economists and actors in the market, must understand well how the market is actually in order to avoid a large suffered by the perpetrators of the market. In general, the market can be defined as a meeting place between the buyer and seller. In this market, going negotiations on the price, so that finally there is agreement the price of a goods and services and it is referred to as the market price.

In the illustration above, we see is the price that is very simple, and the price is only determined by the two sides, namely buyers and sellers. In a broader scope, the market is influenced by many parties, either directly or indirectly, so that markets can not be predicted by anyone. Because it is invisible hand that regulates the market, whether the price will rise or descend.

So in this market, each actor must take the market intuisinya well. Many factors that can affect the market, among others, the amount of supply, demand levels, weather conditions, natural disasters, society consumption patterns, changes in income (purchasing power), factors psikolgi the perpetrators of the market and many more other faktor2 affecting the market. However, the market explained that, in general the market is quiet, but sometimes the market can ferment. Like the sea that the tsunami was, no one is able to withstand the tsunami waves, as well as this market. That we can have only avoid the wave of the tsunami page. A good understanding of the market at least can prevent or reduce the loss that big.

Then, how does the market economy against an individual or institutional business?

When the market is stable, the economy will continue to grow and develop, produce goods and services increased, so also with the value of export goods. But many of the business transaction of business without considering the principles of circumspection. In generally, the market would like to search for every advantage of a transaction, but in any event, merka may suffer losses even though this is not wanted by them. They see the market is a situation that is stable, calm, no flaming, and they do not reserve to overcome the fluctuation in the occurrence of market. But, once the market ferment, then there will be a lot of economic actors who fall in the market. This can be seen with the decrease in export value, in the banking liquidity drought caused by bad debts, harga2 shares anjlok in the capital markets, and also can cause a domino effect which is called as the economic recession. The principle of circumspection must be applied by the perpetrators of the market referred to as conservatism. This principle, among others, include: the action or make a backup reserve for things like unexpected alteration market to the extreme; create a diversified investment (do not put all eggs in one basket).

Whether the actual losses that can be caused by the market?

Market can provide a very important impact in the economy. Profits and losses can only be perceived by the perpetrators of the market. The state of the end-end inil experienced by the market in the world and experienced by our country is called the global crisis that multiplier effect to all aspects of the economy. In the current global crisis, where markets can not be predicted by anyone, many people before the global crisis has an asset value in the form of portfolio hundred of billion rupiah. Suddenly, the market crisis was aktivanya and can go down to 60%. The Genesis is making a lot of people to be stress and even there until you finish the hidupnya.sedemikian dahsyatnya the influence of fluctuation of the market value of property or a indivitu institutions so that the author was interested to bring this article as a reference in order to add insight to overcome the shock of the property market or each property. A good understanding of the market at least can prevent or reduce the kerugian2 that is not necessary.


Capitalism KEKINIAN

By: Jhonson A. Sutanto

Financial crisis at this time reveal early symptoms of changes in socio-ekonomik important, and perhaps even revolutionary, in the world. Many are saying that, after the Berlin Wall collapse, capitalism socialism akan cover, and in many intellectual circles between reverberation about the "end of history". Not surprising, a little more that are dying though socialism in Europe, he also mushrooming in Latin America. In 1989, a series of events known as "El Caracazo" refers to a series of protests in Venezuela are important neoliberalisme and against the "Washington Consensus" that aims to reduce the State role in economy. The selected of Hugo Chavez in 1998 not only is the reaction from the people of hatred and failure neoliberalisme, but also caused by the repression of protests following a series of these.

Smith's dream with universal prosperity charged with two important points that every human being has that sentiment to the self (self-interest) as well join the community sentiment (fellow feeling). Smith so confident that refrain behavior (self-restraint) can be grown in fertile, giving people a great opportunity for everyone to pursue self-interest (pure self-interest). Then this is a concept known as the theory of do not appear (the Invisible Hand). Through two opus of magnum, The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations, Smith is based on two basic assumptions are purely sociological. The second, social ties and is taking the form of a special order when the exchange of consumer goods life (economic). However, there are further developments in the conditions that must be fulfilled by both of them to be able to provide prosperity.

However, on the other hand, Karl Marx (1818-1883) a philosopher of the economic system (production style) capitalism or capitalists. For Marx, capitalism is the economic system to the accumulation of capital through the creation of better-value generated by the production facilities and manpower are fully occupied by one or several people. Marx saw that labor is the capital diobyektifikasi but the workers do not realize it fully, except only considered as something normal. Here is what is happening is called exploitation. Marx wrote, "The worker is a subjective manifestation of the fact that human capital is completely lost for himself, just as capital is a manifestation of the objective fact that human work is lost for himself. But the misfortune is that the worker himself is a living capital, and therefore a capital with the capital needs of the lost interest, and therefore their lives, every time he does not work " . .


In view of sect Frankfurt, modern American bourgeoisie has been successfully using the ratio of instrumental (the term sect Frankfurt) to eliminate internal crisis in the body of capitalism, as Marx had predicted. This fact also the matter of self-modification in capitalism or the other, adaptive ability of capitalism that he never cracked by the development of space and time. Ironically, such views Frankfurt sect, class or the labor of workers who act as agents in the revolutionary logic of Marx and understand the marxisme other class that can defeat power is expected to capitalism, it has integrated itself into the system capitalism itself voluntary. Why does this happen? According to the sect Frankfurt, it is because capitalism is able to maintain continuity exists through penciptaaan culture consumerism. The ability to create a culture of consumerism due to shrewdness agents capitalist is instrumental in implementing the ratio. With the ability to apply the ratio of instrumental, post-industrial capitalism to create the ratio uniformity and matter awareness to the way humans create false needs. Instrumental ratio is the ratio of the instrumental view as a potential reality that can be manipulated, be caused to bow, and the total domination.

When Adam Smith in theory, free market is a condition in which each person serve on the self-interest, will bring benefits for all. Marginal Economics, thus the free market as the place of individuals and companies to promote their own interests. And, this will lead individuals and companies to the allocation of resources optimally. Stick with the theory of marginal formula Leon Walras and Vilfredo Pareto, in which there are two basic proposition in the model. The first, in a free competitive market equilibrium will generate a very high efficiency. Where, supply and demand will be in the same position. The second, in the balance like this, every effort that the individuals and companies will hurt individuals and other companies. This condition, which was then known as a pareto optimum.

Dream Balance: contradiction angan And Reality

In many cases, there are contradictions in the application of the method with the current economic conception capitalism itself. According to orthodox economics, the world economy contains a continuum of small companies, where no one company is able to influence the market. Unfortunately, conditions in the field say others, the world economy would be managed by large companies. Evidence has been classical economic conditions by empirical world. Target rasionalitas projected to be construed in rationality, happiness and success that ignores the interests of others. Freedom was placed in the context of the free market that they indiferen against the weak. Tap-tap for acquire rights for equality and participation in socio-economic decision that has such limited. And unfortunately, the loss of access is caused by capital itself.

If we find the concept alienasi which Marx formulated during the period of classical capitalism (early), it is now indeed alienasi to tertransformasi in almost human in general. Alienasi happens now is that consumerism has divert people's awareness of the actual kesadarannya. In this context, Marx is still relevant alienasi the meksipun does slightly shifted. That is, alienasi in the context of capitalism is a sophisticated awareness of the same shape material. Awareness of no other matter except that resulted from the needs of the false, In other words, capitalism created the current needs of the false image that visualization through-image, so that the actual human awareness. Finally, the concept of capitalism has kekinian that deviate far from the original essence, bringing the logical consequences that are not terperi human civilization in the last few decades.

So that capitalism in the context kekinian more drip beratkan way of life on the consumerism. Where, the rich will remain rich and probably will grow rich and the poor will be poor and may be more protracted. In other words, capitalism will be the only thorn in the flesh, and more violent as more toxic for people who are less capable.



By: Jhonson A. Sutanto

Subrime mortgage crisis in the Medio 2007 that occurred in the country uncle Sam has triggered a global economic crisis. Peak, in September 2008 some of the giant financial institutions announced bancruptcy. In addition to the United States, the crisis also occurred in the area of Europe. In the UK, Institute of Sekaliber Northern Rock is also in the verge of bankruptcy and force the British government to do the financial rescue of ₤ 28 billion. The fail of big names in the Financial Industry has caused tremendous panic among investors, making stock Dow Jones index had fallen sharply. If in early 2008, Dow Jones index was at 13,056. Then, on 28 October 2008 due to not enthusiastic market, Dow Jones index to fall to 8175 levels or 37% corrected. The same also overwrite the Nasdaq index in early 2008 are still on the range in 2600, on October 24 had fallen sharply in 2008 to 11,552 or 40% corrected.

The same thing also happened in Japan, the Nikkei index at the beginning of the year is in the 14600 level had fallen to 7621 levels on 28 October 2008 or 47% corrected. Similarly Hang Seng index, Hong Kong fell from 27,500 to 12,380 level or drop 55%. What about the stock exchange Indonesia?? Obviously, it is also the fate befall Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). In line with the falling Dow Jones, stock prices, shares in the BEI also be seen from the decrease in the combined stock price index (JCI). IHSG, which in the beginning of 2008 to enter the on gold period level of 2830, due to investor panic index also fall to the level of 1174 on 30 October 2008 or 59% have been corrected.

Fall in the exchange country had the government seize attention and need to look to immediately take steps to calm markets anticipating that the panic that is close to the exchange for 3 days and the auto rejection of 10% for the top and bottom as anticipating a decline in the index. Moreover, the government also provided funding of Rp4 trillion national budget to be out of stock buy-back shares owned.

Stock Exchange Performance in Indonesia

Before the storms pound exchange crisis Indonesia in early September 2008, the performance can be said Bei "shiny." IHSG show positive growth, from 392 level in 2001 became 1805 in 2006 and again increased to 2745 or in 2007, growing 52%. IHSG in line with the increase, the value of market capitalization increased by an average of 121% per year, a value that reflects the passion that extraordinary investment. Stock value transaction which also describes the sac income from the Securities Traders Broker (PPE) until October 2008, has reached Rp926 trillion, almost equal the value of transactions in 2007 of Rp1.050 trillion. This means the stock is still skittish, the average daily transaction record of Rp4, 8 trillion per day. The decline in the index tend to be more psychological factors come from investors in the value of saving investment. This Conditions so clearly visible that some of BEI emitten with good fundamentals (financial and operational performance) also did not escape the decline of stock prices.

Performance of Reksadana

Meanwhile relieve conditions that occur in a few mutual funds performance. Global financial crisis on the blow decrease IHSG does not necessarily shatter mutual funds performance. Overall performance of mutual funds decreased, Net Asset Value (nab) the highest of Rp97 trillion in May 2008 declined to be Rp72 trillion on 10 October 2008 or 26% corrected. NAB the decrease due to the decrease in product IHSG especially mutual funds stock mutual funds or a mix and not simply a case of redemption. Based on the data of the Capital Market & Financial Institutions (Bapepam-LK) in the September 2008 level of redemption Rp6, 5 trillion, while the level of subscription Rp7, and 1 trillion on 10 October 2008 redemption of Rp1, 7 trillion, and the subscription of Rp1, 3 trillion .

Indonesia Capital Market Prospects 2009

In the midst of global financial market conditions that are not certain that up to now there are no signs at the financial crisis ends soon, it is not easy to answer the questions when stock prices decline of touch point behind. Even a great analyst, also will never know for certain when stock prices have reached the bottom price. However, capital markets will never be abandoned investors, like coins always have a different side. When a number of investors pull out on the market with market assumptions are not good and stock prices continue to decline, will be the opportunity for other investor-oriented long-term to buy stocks-the stock is considered cheap. So, panic and a number of investor attitudes irrasionality when prices go down will be a blessing for investors, the other easygoing and long-term oriented.

The next question, how the capital market fate Indonesia in 2009? Based on the analysis, capital market conditions will remain in 2009 is projected to grow, but not the peak of achievement in 2008 with the index reached 2830. It is very difficult to hoist the index on the level with the consideration. First, a number of investors still wait and see until the condition is completely normal and conducive. Second, with the interest rate that banks and savings guarantee package reached Rp2 billion or 20 times from the previous policy, encouraging some investors to switch funds to banks that are more certain and secure. Third, the year 2009 will be held towards the end of the election year, usually the capital market will be waiting if the election goes smoothly and peacefully to the new government, because if not, the shock will occur far more effect on the capital markets.

Until now, capital market conditions are still not stable. Where, stock prices, shares are still pro-fluctuation. So, contribution needed to keep from the public to believe the economic stimulus package released and to prevent speculation against the currency in the country.







Understand how large the influence of the monetary economy, and that iu the intent of living of the people, the economy in a particular order-for example-a country need to be in the monetary field. These settings are known as ordinary or a monetary policy. A monetary policy in general aims to maintain stability and value for money and encourage a smooth production and development to improve people's standard of living. See the relevance between the monetary and the real sector or with the macro economy, monetary policy can be said is an important part of macro economic policy.

Monetary policy - the policy together with other sectors - is intended to support the achievement of targets to be achieved in the macro economy. To achieve this, a monetary policy directed to the amount of money circulating in the community in line with the development of the entire economic sector. With the growing amount of money to set up circulating in the community, monetary authority (ie Bank Indonesia) can affect the value of money and the interest rate such that its development will be able to stimulate the economy to the desired direction in accordance with the goals of national development. In determining a monetary policy, of course must have a basic theoretical foundation that has been teruji or at least the experience can be a reference. One thing that becomes the basis for the theory, monetary policy is the supply and demand money. This foundation needs to be understood in detail because the core of monetary policy is about the money. Of course, the money here not only in understanding the physical, but the money in the sense of the broadest.

In human civilization, money has provided a great benefit. Based on the function-function, namely as a means of transaction, a computation, storage and value, cash benefit for people in overcoming difficulties to make a variety of economic activities, such as trade, investment, consumption, and save money. Money to benefit the public will demand money by motives different, among others for the purpose of the transaction, precaution and speculation. View from the side, there are two things that determine the amount of money bid, the money primary (which is the monetary authority) and multiplier. The primary amount of money determined by several factors and some of these factors can be managed or controlled by monetary authority.

Interaction between power demand and supply to determine akan iuang outstanding money market conditions. The money market conditions, reflected in the growth rate and the amount of money circulating. Furthermore, the money market after the market with goods in turn will determine the real sector, the national income, economic growth, kesmpatan employment, price level, and balance of payment. As an illustration, it can be that if the amount of money circulating is enlarged and exceeded that required by the community in the interest rate, income, and prices, the increase in the amount of money circulating will encourage people to spend money to increase the demand on the top of the goods and services for consumption and factor - factors of production to investment.



Interaction between power demand and supply of money will determine the market conditions as reflected in the money growth rate and the amount of money circulating in the economy. The development of money markets in turn will affect the real sector economy such as national income, economic growth, employment, prices, and balance of payment. In line with the transmission mechanism, monetary policy, the two approaches used by the central bank in monetary policy operations, the quantity approach (Monetary targeting) and the price (interest rate targeting).

Monetary approach in targeting, central banks will use the money circulating as operational targets. To achieve the final goal, such as inflation and economic growth, central bank controls the money will be circulating. As an illustration, it can be that if the amount of money circulating in excess of the desired or requested by the community, people tend to spend the money by increasing the consumption of goods and services. Throughout the production capacity is still available, the increase in consumption would increase production and expand employment opportunities. However, when production capacity has been saturated, the increase demand goods and services will increase the prices in general and in turn, will put pressure on the balance of payment as part of the expenditure used to purchase goods and services imports .

Through controlling the amount of circulating money, central banks attempt money market conditions change such that development can encourage economic growth, expand employment opportunities, maintaining price stability and balance of payment equilibrium. Step by step control the amount of money circulating is called monetary policy (Monetary policy). Than through the control of the money circulating (Monetary targeting), monetary policy can also be implemented through the control of interest rates (interest rate targeting). With the control of interest rates, central banks can control the direction of the economic objectives set. For example, in order to encourage economic activities, central banks lower interest rates. With the decline in interest rates, means that the cost of capital or cost of funds to be cheaper so that encourage consumption and investment, and in turn economic activities.

Next, will be described in detail about the approach to monetary policy Monetary targeting. In this approach, we will often hear the term monetary program, the projected monetary control and the money circulating. Monetary policy through the control of the money circulating set begins with the end goal, such as inflation, economic growth and job opportunities. The final goal is in harmony with economic capacity, for example, inflation is defined in line with economic capacity. Next, on the basis of the final goal, the projected demand of money, people and everything is described in detail in the monetary program.

On the basis of a monetary program the central bank to control the amount of money circulating in line with that money demand in the economy through the instrument held. Monetary instruments include open market operations, reserve requirement or mandatory minimum current account, discount facilities, intervention foreign exchange, and moral suasion.

2.1 Monetary Program

To implement monetary policy with good monetary authority to create a projected amount of money outstanding, both from the side, and the demand for a certain time, commonly referred to as the monetary projections. Monetary projection is useful because it can provide information on what action should be taken by central banks that set targets to be achieved. In addition, the projection can also provide information to the central bank about what will happen to the economy on the monetary policy will be adopted by the central bank than the central bank when the central bank monetary policy does not cover it.

In preparing the projected monetary, central banks need to first me-review / observe some monetary statistics data last time that was needed to prepare the projected monetary accurately. Development of the monetary statistics is the amount of money circulating and the factors that. Monetary statistics data analysis done in a static and dynamic. Static analysis is done to find out how much money circulating and the factors determine at a particular time, where as dynamic analysis is done by comparing statistical data of money circulating in the two different time to see changes in the amount of money circulating and the factors that influence with it.

2.2 Monetary projections

Another case with the preparation of statistics circulating money is in essence a technical work, preparation of projected monetary prosecuted more theoretical knowledge and analytical ability to be able to generate the projected monetary carefully, so that it can be used to head the authority to set monetary policy in a monetary fine. Step-step preparation of the projected monetary usually follow the stages as follows:

  • First set first target macro (macro objective) economy for a period to come. The target is a macro-level economic growth, inflation and interest rates.
  • After the set target growth, prices, and interest rates, through a functional relationship can be a projection of how many people will demand money (demand for money) to the needs of the transaction, precaution and speculation. As known that money component of money circulating kartal, giral money, and quasy money.
  • In the monetary program, the estimated amount of money requested by the community is called "monetary target planning." This means the number of bid money will be governed by central banks in accordance with the "target monetary planning" so that the macro economic targets, namely the level of economic growth, inflation, and interest rates the previously defined can be achieved with good.

2.3 Control of Money circulating

In fact, the outstanding money held by central banks to influence the factors that cause money outstanding. The factor’s cause of include net foreign assets (NFA) and net domestic assets (NDA). These factors include the causes net foreign assets (NFA) and net domestic assets (NDA). NDA such as net claims on government (NCG), net claims on official entities and net claims on private sector ( net domestic credit , NDC), and net other items (NOI). NDA consists of net claims on government (NCG), net claims on official entities and net claims on private sector (net domestic credit, NDC), and other items net (Noi).

Given the NFA is a reflection of a transaction relating to the payment balance, the development can not be controlled entirely by central banks as well as the NFA, the NDA also, there is a difficult controllable, ie, NCG and Noi. Second factor is determined by the level of government that are difficult to be outside the control of development and central bank. Therefore, the only factor that can be influenced / is controlled by a central bank is NDC (credit banks). Control of bank loans made through the control of réservés banks (devices consisting of a liquid cash account and the banks).

As known, the ability to give the bank credit affected by the reserve. The greater the reserve. The large reserve banks, the greater its ability to provide loans and similarly vice versa. With the reserve banks, central bank expects bank loans may be consistent with the objectives and increase the amount of money outstanding as described above.

How to be a central bank in controlling the reserve banks are as follows:

· At first, central bank estimated average immediately duty of banks (obligation) such as demand deposit and time deposit. Estimated size of the obligation immediately is the banks can be obtained from the projected public demand will money.

· After the immediate obligations of banks, the next can be estimated how much demand for reserve banks. As known that the demand for reserve banks consists of the demand for required reserve and excess demand for reserve. The amount of demand for the required reserve amount can be estimated easily because the percentage of obligations that must be kept in the form of liquid instruments set by central banks (cash ratio). Meanwhile, demand for excess reserve can be estimated based on empirical data, the percentage of certain obligations and immediately.

· The next step is the projection on the supply of reserve money. Projections are done with the estimate of the factors that affect reserve money (money primary) reflected as assets on the balance sheet monetary authority. Supply of money is the primary part of the community directly to the form of money and the rest kartal to banks in the form of a reserve currency and checking account kartal banks.

Then, the estimated supply reserve banks compared with the estimated demand reserve banks. When that happens excess supply through open market operations, namely to sell securities short term, central banks can take up the excess reserves. Conversely, when there was lack of supply, Open Market Operations (opt) is done by buying letter of valuable short-term to increase the reserve banks.

So, in general, monetary instruments which can be used to control the money circulating among other open market operations, reserve require, and the discount facility. OPT conducted with the purchase of bonds, government bonds by the central bank will increase the NCG which also means increased Monetary base which in turn increase the supply of money. Instead, the sale of government bonds by central banks will reduce the Monetary Base and the supply of money.

Increasing the reserve requirement ratio (k) will reduce the money supply so that the multiplier is reduced and the decrease in k will increase the supply of money. Through the discount policy, the increasing level of discount (rd), will reduce the desire to banks and central bank loans which in turn will prevent the banks ability to lend money to the private sector and ultimately reduce the amount of money circulating. Conversely, a decrease rd will encourage banks borrow and the central bank will ultimately increase the amount of money circulating.



Central bank as the monetary authority to function as a regulator and supervisor in determining monetary policy. So in this case, the central bank must take the appropriate steps in determining policy. Maintain monetary stability, is one of the dimensions of national stability, which is part integral and objectives of national development. A steady monetary stability, has a broad influence on economic activities, including in the banking sector. In this case, there are some things that serve as the measurements of these monetary stability in the inflation rate is quite low level., The interest rate at a reasonable level., The rupiah is realistic., Expectations of monetary community.

Through the policy the amount of money circulating, it can maintain monetary stability, which, central banks can increase or decrease the amount of money circulating when it is necessary. This can be done through monetary instruments owned central bank. So ultimately, monetary policy affects inflation.


Pohan, Aulia. 2008. Kerangka Kebijakan Moneter & Implementasinya Di Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

Pohan, Aulia. 2008. Potret Kebijakan Moneter Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.





Disusun oleh: Jhonson A. Sutanto

I. Pendahuluan

Pembangunan ekonomi sebuah negara pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk mencapai kemakmuran masyarakat melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi dan distribusi pendapatan yang merata. Kemakmuran dan pertumbuhan ekonomi tersebut dapat tercipta melalui bekerjanya pasar secara efisien. Mekanisme pasar akan bekerja secara efisien apabila tersedia tata aturan dan hukum-hukum pasar yang dilaksanakan dengan baik. Ketersediaan tata aturan dan hukum tersebut mengundang peran para pembuat undang-undang (parlemen) dan pelaksana undang-undang (Pemerintah). Selain itu, Pemerintah termasuk bank sentral menyusun kebijakan-kebijakan yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan untuk lebih cepat merealisasikan tujuan-tujuan yang diinginkan dalam koridor undang-undang/ peraturan yang sudah dijalankan. Atas dasar itu, Pemerintah melalui kebijakan makroekonomi, investasi, perdagangan, pelaksanaan hukum serta perundang-undangan mempunyai peranan penting dalam menciptakan iklim yang kondusif bagi bekerjanya pasar secara optimal. Demikian pula halnya bank sentral yang menetapkan kebijakan moneter, sebagai salah satu elemen kebijakan makroekonomi mempunyai peranan penting dalam penciptaan kondisi bagi bekerjanya mekanisme pasar yang efisien.

Dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir, baik dalam tataran teori maupun dalam praktek terjadi perubahan yang sangat mendasar tentang bagaimana peran kebijakan moneter dalam perekonomian dan bagaimana posisi kelembagaan otoritas moneter dalam suatu negara. Ada semacam kecenderungan global untuk lebih memfokuskan dan memperjelas peran bank sentral yaitu menjaga kestabilan harga. Karena alasan yang disebut terakhir itu maka bank sentral diberikan independensi, terbebas dari pengaruh pemerintah dan politisi. Konsekuensi dari independensi tersebut adalah bank sentral dituntut untuk lebih transparan dan akuntabel kepada publik yang kemudian mendorong bank sentral lebih banyak berkomunikasi ke publik. Hal ini merupakan sebuah perubahan mendasar dari tradisi bank sentral yang secara historis lebih banyak dikenal sebagai lembaga yang penuh misteri dan mistik.

Sesuai amanat Undang-undang No. 23 tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia sebagaimana diubah dengan Undangundang No. 3 tahun 2004, Bank Indonesia mempunyai tujuan mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan nilai Rupiah. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut Bank Indonesia memiliki tugas pokok, yaitu: (a) menetapkan dan melaksanakan kebijakan moneter; (b) mengatur dan menjaga kelancaran sistem pembayaran; dan (c) mengatur dan mengawasi bank.

Revolusi pemikiran ini juga terjadi di Indonesia terutama dipicu oleh krisis ekonomi yang kita alami beberapa tahun yang lalu. Krisis ekonomi dan moneter yang kita alami telah memberikan pelajaran berharga pada peran yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh bank sentral dalam perekonomian dan status kelembagaannya dalam suatu negara. Bank Indonesia menjadi lebih independen dengan tugas pokok menjaga kestabilan nilai Rupiah.

II. Peran Kebijakan Moneter dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi

Beberapa dasawarsa yang lalu, kebijakan moneter secara aktif digunakan untuk mendorong perekonomian dan lapangan kerja agar laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat senantiasi berada pada tingkat potensialnya (full employment). Paradigma kebijakan moneter yang sering disebut sebagai “activist” monetary policy ini tidak terlepas dari keyakinan pada saat itu bahwa dalam jangka panjang terdapat “trade off” antara pengangguran dan inflasi, atau yang sering dikenal sebagai kurva Phillips. Artinya, dalam jangka panjang bank sentral dapat secara permanent mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan mengorbankan inflasi pada tingkat tertentu. Akan tetapi, kinerja perekonomian pada dasawarsa tersebut tidak terlalu menggembirakan. Perekonomian negara-negara maju seringkali diliputi awan inflasi yang tinggi, ditambah dengan siklus perekonomian yang justru lebih bergejolak.

Sementara di sejumlah negara berkembang, perekonomian sempat tumbuh tinggi namun pada akhirnya tidak sustainable dan diwarnai oleh gejolak di pasar keuangan yang terkadang disertai dengan krisis. Adanya fakta ini dan ditunjang oleh berkembangnya teori-teori ekonomi moneter yang baru telah mengubah paradigma kebijakan moneter yang aktif mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi kebijakan moneter yang lebih diorientasikan pada pencapaian kestabilan harga. Paling tidak ada tiga landasan intelektual yang mendasari perubahan paradigma tersebut. Pertama, secara teoritis maupun empiris, dalam jangka panjang kebijakan moneter hanya berpengaruh pada inflasi.6 Dalam jangka pendek, kebijakan moneter yang ekspansif memang dapat digunakan untuk memberikan stimulus pada perekonomian, terutama jika kebijakan moneter tidak diantisipasi oleh pelaku pasar. Namun, dalam jangka panjang, ketika kebijakan moneter tersebut telah dirasakan oleh masyarakat melalui kenaikan inflasi, yang terjadi adalah ekspektasi inflasi masyarakat semakin meningkat dan pertumbuhan ekonomi bahkan mengalami penurunan. Dalam istilah Friedman, “There is no longrun tradeoff between inflation and unemployment”.

Kedua, kebijakan moneter yang secara aktif digunakan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan seringkali justru berdampak pada ketidakstabilan. Argumen ini didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa dampak kebijakan moneter kepada perekonomian riil memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama (adanya time lag) dan time lag ini selalu berubah dari waktu ke waktu dengan ketidakpastian yang tinggi (long and variable lag).7 Ketidakstabilan ini semakin meningkat terutama ketika bank sentral tidak independen dari pengaruh politisi yang seringkali kurang sabar melihat hasil dari suatu kebijakan. Bank sentral yang tidak independen seringkali diintervensi untuk melakukan kebijakan yang lebih populer melalui penurunan suku bunga untuk mengatasi pengangguran. Jika hal ini dilakukan pada saat inflasi ke depan sedang menunjukkan kecenderungan meningkat, yang terjadi kemudian adalah ekonomi menjadi overheating sehingga menyebabkan akselerasi inflasi atau policy reversal dengan menaikkan kembali suku bunga yang justru menambah ketidakstabilan makroekonomi.

Ketiga, kebijakan moneter tanpa tujuan yang jelas pada kestabilan harga seringkali menjadi tidak kredibel. Tanpa tujuan yang jelas, bank sentral yang semula mempunyai komitmen untuk mengendalikan inflasi pada tingkat tertentu, seringkali tergoda untuk melakukan kebijakan moneter yang populer di mata masyarakat dengan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka pendek, tetapi berdampak inflasi di atas level yang sudah dijanjikan oleh bank sentral dan ekspektasi masyarakat. Time-inconsistent policy ini mengakibatkan bank sentral tidak kredibel dimata masyarakat sebagai pengendali inflasi. Hilangnya kredibilitas ini mendorong masyarakat membuat ekspektasi inflasi sendiri yang lebih tinggi dari yang sudah dijanjikan oleh bank sentral. Jika hal ini terjadi, sulit bagi bank sentral mengendalikan ekspektasi inflasi.

Apa sebenarnya dampak dari Inflasi?

Inflasi, sepertinya kata yang tidak asing lagi di telinga dan membuat takut banyak orang. Namun, apa sebenarnya dampak inflasi tersebut? Secara umum inflasi menyebabkan timbulnya sejumlah biaya sosial yang harus ditanggung oleh masyarakat. Pertama, inflasi menimbulkan dampak negatif pada distribusi pendapatan. Masyarakat golongan bawah dan berpendapatan tetap akan menanggung beban infasi dengan turunnya daya beli mereka. Sebaliknya, masyarakat menengah dan atas yang memiliki aset-aset finansial seperti tabungan atau deposito dapat melindungi kekayaannya dari inflasi, sehingga daya beli mereka relatif tetap. Kedua, inflasi yang tinggi berdampak negatif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tingkat inflasi yang tinggi sering diikuti oleh tingkat inflasi yang berfluktuasi, yang dalam jangka panjang memberikan dampak negatif terhadap laju pertumbuhan ekonomi. Mengapa? Karena ketidakpastian tingkat inflasi menyebabkan investor cenderung untuk melakukan investasi finansial jangka pendek yang bersifat spekulatif daripada melakukan investasi proyek riil yang bersifat produktif. Disamping itu, inflasi yang tinggi yang juga cermin dari ketidakpastian nilai uang menyebabkan tingginya premi resiko (risk premium) di pasar keuangan yang menyebabkan pasar keuangan tidak efisien dan tingginya biaya pendanaan investasi yang kemudian berdampak negatif pada pertumbuhan. Apalagi dalam perekonomian Indonesia

yang bersifat terbuka (small open economy) dengan mobilitas modal luar negeri yang bebas, mengharuskan kita menjaga tingkat inflasi yang rendah dan stabil. Dalam kondisi demikian, inflasi yang tinggi dan berfluktuatif merupakan faktor yang secara signifikan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan perekonomian seperti yang tercermin dari tingginya volatilitas nilai tukar, tidak stabilnya pasar keuangan, serta tingginya sensitivitas aliran modal.

Pertanyaannya kemudian, berapa tingkat inflasi yang mencerminkan kestabilan harga? Alan Greenspan, Gubernur Bank Sentral Amerika, memberikan terminologi ‘kestabilan harga’ sebagai tingkat inflasi yang cukup rendah sehingga masyarakat tidak lagi secara material merasakan kehadiran inflasi dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Para pengusaha tidak lagi memperhitungkan berapa persen harga jual barang harus mereka naikkan untuk menyesuaikan dengan inflasi. Para buruh tidak lagi menuntut kenaikan gaji untuk disesuaikan dengan kenaikan indeks harga. Para pensiunan tidak merasakan daya beli mereka semakin menurun. Dengan kriteria ‘Greenspan’ ini, banyak yang secara operasional menterjemahkannya sebagai 0-3%. Angka ini seringkali disebut sebagai “tingkat inflasi yang optimal”. Pertama, menjaga inflasi pada kisaran tersebut tidak akan mendorong ekspektasi inflasi atau menurunkan kredibilitas bank sentral. Kedua, inflasi nol mendorong suku bunga nominal mendekati nol sehingga menjadikan kebijakan moneter menjadi tidak efektif seperti yang terjadi di Jepang. Lebih penting lagi, karena proses perhitungan inflasi tidak sempurna, yaitu adanya bias pengukuran, target inflasi di banyak negara sedikit lebih tinggi dari nol. Dengan asumsi bias pengukuran sekitar 2% maka target inflasi umumnya di atas 2%.10 Berdasarkan data historis dari inflasi, beberapa studi yang dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia menyimpulkan bahwa tingkat inflasi sekitar 4%-6% merupakan tingkat inflasi yang ‘optimal’.


Seperti telah kita maklumi bersama, krisis ekonomi dan moneter yang berlangsung sejak pertengahan tahun 1997 telah menimbulkan konsekuensi yang luar biasa terhadap ketidakstabilan perekonomian kita. Pertumbuhan ekonomi terhenti bahkan sempat mengalami pertumbuhan yang negatif, nilai tukar bergejolak, uang beredar tumbuh hampir tidak terkendali sebagai akibat upaya penyelamatan perbankan yang dilanda rush. Sebagai akibatnya inflasi meningkat tajam pada tahun 1998 mencapai angka 77,63%. Menghadapi kondisi ketidakstabilan moneter tersebut, Bank Indonesia kemudian menerapkan kebijakan moneter yang ketat. Kebijakan moneter ketat tersebut tercermin pada pertumbuhan tahunan sasaran indikatif uang primer yang terus ditekan dari level tertinggi 69,7% pada bulan September 1998 menjadi 11,2% pada bulan Juni 1999.

Kebijakan moneter ketat terpaksa dilakukan karena pada periode itu ekspektasi inflasi di tengah masyarakat sangat tinggi dan jumlah uang beredar meningkat sangat pesat. Di tengah tingginya ekspektasi inflasi dan tingkat risiko memegang rupiah, upaya memperlambat laju pertumbuhan uang beredar telah mendorong kenaikan suku bunga domestik secara tajam. Suku bunga yang tinggi diperlukan agar masyarakat mau memegang rupiah dan tidak membelanjakannya untuk hal-hal yang tidak mendesak serta tidak menggunakannya untuk membeli valuta asing. Upaya pemulihan kestabilan moneter melalui penerapan kebijakan moneter ketat yang dibantu dengan upaya pemulihan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada perbankan nasional mulai memberikan hasil positif. Pertumbuhan uang beredar yang melambat dan suku bunga simpanan di perbankan yang tinggi telah mengurangi peluang dan hasrat masyarakat dalam memegang mata uang asing sehingga tekanan depresiasi rupiah berangsur surut. Inflasi mulai terkendali pada tahun 1999.

Kerangka kebijakan moneter Bank Indonesia sebelum Juli 2005 mengacu kepada target uang primer. Kerangka tersebut cukup efektif untuk menyerap kembali kelebihan likuiditas di perbankan yang merupakan dampak dari bantuan likuiditas Bank Indonesia, sebagai konsekuensi fungsi Bank Indonesia sebagai lender of the last resort. Dalam perkembangannya, peran suku bunga pada mekanisme transmisi kebijakan moneter menjadi semakin penting dibandingkan dengan uang primer, terutama dalam mempengaruhi variabel ekonomi makro terutama inflasi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh ketidakstabilan hubungan antara uang primer dengan tingkat inflasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Selanjutnya, untuk mendukung efektifitas transmisi kebijakan moneter secara lebih optimal, dan untuk memperkuat kerangka kebijakan moneter yang bersifat antisipatif maka Bank Indonesia menerapkan kebijakan moneter berbasis suku bunga. Kerangka kebijakan moneter yang baru, yaitu inflation targeting framework (ITF) mulai di implementasikan Bank Indonesia sejak Juli 2005. Dengan ITF, kerangka kerja kebijakan moneter dilakukan secara transparan dan konsisten dalam rangka mencapai sasaran inflasi beberapa tahun ke depan yang ditetapkan dan diumumkan secara eksplisit. Guna mendukung optimalisasi pencapaian sasaran inflasi tersebut, Bank Indonesia menetapkan policy rate (BI-Rate) yang diumumkan secara periodik kepada publik sebagai sinyal kebijakan moneter untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Perubahan BI-Rate mencerminkan respon bank sentral terhadap perkembangan kondisi


A. Apa sebenarnya Inflation Targeting Framework??

Pelaksanaan ITF di Indonesia mengikuti prinsip dasar bahwa ITF adalah framework, bukan rule. Dengan prinsip ini, kebijakan moneter tidak dilaksanakan secara kaku. Pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter juga mempertimbangkan sasaran-sasaran pembangunan yang lebih luas antara lain pertumbuhan ekonomi. Berbeda dengan prinsip full discretionary, ITF menuntut agar discretionary policy dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter bersifat terbatas. Konsep ITF merupakan sebuah kerangka kebijakan moneter yang ditandai dengan pengumuman kepada publik mengenai target inflasi yang hendak dicapai dalam beberapa periode ke depan. Secara eksplisit dinyatakan bahwa inflasi yang rendah dan stabil merupakan tujuan utama dari kebijakan moneter. Jadi, konsep ITF adalah:

· Dalam merumuskan kebijakan moneter, Bank Indonesia akan selalu melakukan analisis dan mempertimbangkan berbagai indikator ekonomi, khususnya prakiraan inflasi.

· Pengendalian moneter dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen: (i) Operasi Pasar Terbuka (OPT), (ii) Instrumen likuiditas otomatis (standing facilities), (iii) Intervensi di pasar valas, (iv) Penetapan giro wajib minimum (GWM), dan (v) Himbauan moral (moral suassion).

· Pengendalian moneter diarahkan pula agar perkembangan suku bunga PUAB berada pada koridor suku bunga yang ditetapkan. Langkah ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pengendalian likuiditas sekaligus untuk memperkuat sinyal kebijakan moneter yang ditempuh Bank Indonesia.

Dengan konsep dasar tersebut, Bank Indonesia melaksanakan kebijakan moneter dengan elemen-elemen pokok sebagai berikut:

Ø Pertama, suku bunga (BI-rate) digunakan sebagai sasaran operasional moneter menggantikan uang beredar. Perubahan sasaran operasional moneter ini didasarkan pada pertimbangan makin lemahnya hubungan antara uang beredar dengan laju inflasi.

Ø Kedua, kebijakan moneter diperkuat dengan strategi yang bersifat pre-emptive atau forward looking. Elemen dasar ini sekaligus merupakan tantangan besar bagi Bank Indonesia mengingat inflasi di Indonesia lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh ekspektasi inflasi yang bersifat adaptif (inertia). Bank Indonesia menyebutkan, misalnya sekitar 74% inflasi pada tahun 2001 dan sekitar 89% inflasi pada tahun 2004 terutama disumbang oleh ekspektasi

yang bersifat adaptif. Kebijakan moneter perlu konsisten terhadap sasaran akhir yang akan

dicapai atau menghindari time-inconsistency policy. Tanpa konsistensi yang kuat, kebijakan ke depan kurang mendapat perhatian dari masyarakat.

Ø Ketiga, terkait dengan unsur kedua, pelaksanaan ITF membutuhkan komunikasi yang

efektif dan transparan kepada masyarakat luas. Ini diperlukan agar langkah-langkah

kebijakan yang akan ditempuh ke depan benar-benar dipahami secara utuh oleh


Ø Keempat, peningkatan koordinasi yang lebih kuat dengan Pemerintah. Elemen ini sangat

penting dalam rangka pencapaian sasaran inflasi yang ditetapkan mengingat faktor-faktor

pendorong inflasi tidak sepenuhnya berada dalam lingkup kewenangan Bank Indonesia.

B. Keuntungan dari Inflation Targeting Framework.

Meskipun kinerja dan manfaat dapat berbeda tergantung pada kondisi spesifik negara

yang bersangkutan dan rezim yang dipraktekkan, pada umumnya negara yang menerapkan ITF memperoleh sejumlah keuntungan, yaitu:

_ Sukses dalam membantu negara menurunkan inflasi,

_ Kebijakan moneter lebih secara jelas terfokus,

_ Komunikasi, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas secara bersama diperkuat,

_ Membantu dalam menurunkan dan mengarahkan ekspektasi inflasi dan lebih baik

dalam mengatasi kejutan inflasi,

_ Membantu dalam menurunkan volatilitas output dalam jangka menengah,

_ Teruji terhadap kejutan ekonomi yang kurang menguntungkan,

_ Kebijakan moneter relatif fleksibel dalam mengakomodasi kejutan inflasi temporer yang tidak mengganggu pencapaian sasaran inflasi jangka menengah, dan Independensi bank sentral dalam melaksanakan kebijakan moneter diperkuat.


Sejak tahun 2000, dengan diberlakukannya UU No. 23 Tahun 1999, Bank Indonesia telah menentukan dan mengumumkan sasaran inflasi sebagai sasaran akhir kebijakan moneter. Selanjutnya, dengan amandemen UU Bank Indonesia No. 3 Tahun 2004, Pemerintah setelah berkoordinasi dengan Bank Indonesia telah menetapkan dan mengumumkan sasaran inflasi untuk jangka pendek dan menengah yang mencerminkan proses penurunan inflasi secara bertahap (gradual disinflation) mengarah pada sasaran inflasi jangka menengah-panjang yang kompetitif dengan negara negara sekitar. Bank Indonesia telah menempuh sejumlah langkah-langkah penting dalam memperkuat persyaratan yang diperlukan bagi kebijakan moneter konsisten dengan penerapan ITF, termasuk:

* Pengembangan indikator, riset, pemodelan ekonomi untuk secara lebih baik

menganalisis dan memprakirakan inflasi dan variabel ekonomi lainnya, mekanisme

trasnmisi kebijakan moneter, maupun penentuan respon kebijakan.

* Rapat Dewan Gubernur (RDG) secara reguler sebagai bagian integral dan proses

perumusan kebijakan moneter.

* Pengembangan laporan dan media komunikasi untuk transparansi dan akuntabilitas

kebijakan moneter kepada publik.

Dengan perbaikan kondisi ekonomi dan perbankan, penggunaan uang primer sebagai sasaran operasional dirasakan semakin tidak sejalan dengan penerapan kebijakan moneter dengan ITF. Pertama, hubungan antara uang primer dengan inflasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi semakin tidak stabil dan mengalami hubungan terbalik, antara lain karena ketidakstabilan permintaan uang dan ketidakpastian perilaku money multiplier dan money velocity. Kedua, sinyal kebijakan moneter kepada pasar dan masyarakat kurang efektif, tidak saja karena tidak mudah menjelaskan uang primer tetapi juga karena tidak jelasnya jangkar nominal yang dipergunakan (antara uang primer dan sasaran inflasi). Ketiga, respon kebijakan moneter cenderung mengarah ke belakang (backward looking) dan lebih sulit dilakukan karena merespon tidak saja inflasi tetapi juga perkembangan uang primer itu sendiri. Keempat, uang primer lebih sulit dikendalikan oleh bank sentral karena pengaruh dominan dan sulit diprakirakannya permintaan uang kartal masyarakat di Indonesia.

A. Implementasi Kerangka Kerja Inflation Targeting di Indonesia

Walaupun inflasi menjadi tujuan utama dari kebijakan moneter, namun berbagai kendala struktural seperti kondisi system keuangan dan fiskal yang masih relative lemah sering kali menyebabkan kebijakan moneter hanya menjaga keseimbangan antara tujuan inflasi di satu sisi dan stabilitas keuangan di sisi lain. Dengan karekteristik seperti itu, Stone (2003) menggolongkan kerangka kebijakan moneter Indonesia saat ini sebagai Inflation Targeting Lite (ITL). Dengan kendala struktural yang dimiliki Negara dengan kerangka ITL juga dicirikan oleh masih rendahnya komitmen terhadap pencapaian target inflasi dan kurang transparannya kebijakan moneter.

Dengan melihat sejumlah kelemahan yang ada dalam kerangka kebijakan moneter tersebut, terdapat sejumlah alas an perlunya untuk mulai berpindah pada kerangka kebijakan moneter yang lebih jelas dengan satu patokaan nominal. Pilihannya adalah menggunakan nilai tukar sebagai anchor seperti pegged exchange rate, currency board (CBS), dan dolarisasi; atau FFIT. Akan tetapi, pilihan-pilihan tersebut memiliki banyak kelemahan, satu-satunya pilihan adalah full fledged inflation targeting.

Fleksibilitas kebijakan moneter diwujudkan dalam bentuk respons kebijakan moneter yang ditetapkan yang selalu berupaya mengarahkan agar pergerakan inflasi dan ekonomi ke depan tetap berada pada jalur sasaran inflasi yang telah ditetapkan. Dengan demikian, konsistensi kebijakan moneter dapat tetap terjaga dengan baik. Gambar A.1 berikut ini memperlihatkan kerangka kebijakan moneter inflation targeting di Indonesia.

Mengingat salah satu hal penting dalam rangka kebijakan IT adalah pembentukan ekspektasi inflasi masyarakat, strategi komunikasi kebijakan harus dilakukan secara transparan. Hal ini karena besarnya pengaruh ekspektasi inflasi sebagai penyebab inflasi. Selain pengumuman keputusan RDG secara regular, penguatan strategi komunikasi dilakukan melalui laporan kebijkan moneter secara triwulanan. Strategi komunikasi lain yang lazim dipraktikkan bank-bank sentral yang menerapkan FFIT juga akan dilakukan.

B. Tantangan ke depan dari penerapan ITF

Kisah sukses ITF di sejumlah Negara maju didukung oleh terdapatnya prasyarat dan pra kondisi yang diperlukan di Negara yang bersangkutan, sementara di Negara berkembang, pra syarat tersebut tidak sepenuhnya dipenuhi. Calvo dan Mishkin (2003) mengidentifikasi lima perbedaan antara Negara maju dengan Negara sedang berkembang yaitu: (a) lemahnya disiplin fiscal (fiscal dominance); (b) lemahnya kelembagaan keuangan termasuk pengaturan dan pengawasan prudential (financial dominance); (c) rendahnya kredibilitas dari kelembagaan moneter; (d) dolarisasi kewajiban; dan (e) kerapuhan (vulnerability) terhadap terhentinya aliran modal secara tiba-tiba (external dominance).

Kerangka kebijakan moneter merupakan suatu hal yang dinamis, yang dapat berubah sejalan dengan perubahan pra kondisi yang diperlukan dan tantangan yang dihadapi. Masih kuatnya dominasi fiskal dan kerapuhan sistem terhadap shock terbukti mengganggu pencapaian target inflasi. Sebagai contoh, pada waktu BBM di dalam negeri dinaikkan secara signifikan pada paruh kedua tahun 2005, komitmen pencapaian target inflasi tidak dapat dipenuhi. Koordinasi kebijakan fiskal dengan kebijakan moneter masih perlu ditingkatkan mengingat pencapaian target inflasi sesungguhnya merupakan tanggung jawab bersama Bank Indonesia dan pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, kredibilitas kebijakan moneter dengan ITF bukan hanya menyangkut komitmen Bank Indonesia selaku otoritas moneter, tetapi juga komitmen pemerintah selaku otoritas fiscal.

Perubahan kerangka kebijakan moneter juga dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan pasar keuangan dan infrastruktur pendukungnya seperti perubahan system pembayaran yang cukup pesat yang didukung oleh pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi. Dengan perkembangan system pembayaran yang sedemikian pesat, transaksi crossborder menjadi sulit dimonitor sehingga aliran modal masuk dan keluar semakin tidak mungkin dikontrol. Ketika teknologi membuat pola transaksi berubah, kebijakan moneter pun akan berubah. Ketika sistem perdagangan berubah dengan dunia berubah, kebijakan moneter yang dibutuhkan pun berubah.


Teori kebijakan moneter bukanlah suatu ilmu yang banyak dipelajari secara khusus di lembaga-lembaga pendidikan atau perguruan tinggi seperti layaknya teori ekonomi atau teori dalam bidang keilmuan lainnya. Kebijakan moneter selama ini lebih banyak dijuluki oleh kalangan terbatas, terutama mereka yang bergelut di bidang tersebut. Padahal, kebijakan moneter memiliki spectrum yang sangat luas. Kebijakan yang di ambil oleh sebuah otoritas moneter memiliki pengaruh yang menyentuh ke semua lapisan masyarakat. Dengan kata lain, teori kebijakan moneter merupakan sebuah ilmu yang sangat strategis dan perlu dipahami secara lebih luas oleh masyarakat karena menyangkut hajat hidup orang banyak.

Secara teoritis, perubahan yang juga perlu dicatat adalah pendekatan dalam kebijakan moneter di era pasca krisis melalui penerapan suatu pendekatan baru yang dikenal dengan Inflation Targeting Framework (ITF). Dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter yang semula menganut sasaran ganda, kini hanya mempunyai sasaran tunggal yaitu inflasi. Dengan penerapan ITF, secara bertahap pendekatan dalam implementasi kebijakan moneter meninggalkan monetary targeting yang telah dianut sebelumnya. Pendekatan ITF mempunyai kelebihan dibandingkan dengan pendekatan monetary targeting dan exchange rate targeting. Dengan ITF, kebijakan moneter dapat lebih focus pada isu domestic dan merespon segera setiap shock yang terjadi dalam perekonomian domestik. Pendekatan ITF memungkinkan otoritas moneter menggunakan semua informasi yang tersedia untuk menentukan arah kebijakan yang akan diambil. Pendekatan ITF dapat pula menghindari kemungkinan bank sentral terperangkap dalam inkonsistensi kebijakan yang diambil karena pendekatan ini dapat mengurangi tekanan politik kepada bank sentral untuk melakukan kebijakan moneter yang terlalu ekpansif.

Kebijakan moneter yang diambil akan membawa banyak pengaruh terhadap tatanan perekonomian di masyarakat, sehingga baik bank sentral sebagai otoritas moneter dan pemerintah sebagai otoritas fiskal harus saling berkoordinasi. Kondisi perekonomian akan selalu mengalami perubahan, itulah sebabnya pemikiran mengenai kebijakan moneter akan terus berkembang ibarat sumur yang airnya tidak pernah habis. Demikianlah sekilas mengenai ITF sebagai sasaran utama kebijakan moneter yang dapat saya sampaikan. Saya sangat mengharapkan berbagai kritik dan saran yang membangun. Terima kasih..

Sumber Data

Pohan, Aulia. 2008. Kerangka Kebijakan Moneter & Implementasinya Di Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

Pohan, Aulia. 2008. Potret Kebijakan Moneter Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

